Hey there.
If you don't quite know me, I'm Graywulf Dolfinson. I've been a user of Newgrounds since the sixth of May 2021. I've been a fan of this website for a while now, and it's helped me actualize myself. I've met various supportive people in this time, as well as a few not-so supportive ones. I don't pay any attention to the latter.
Of course, as with all things, I wish I could say that I could spend more time on here, and I buy Supporter and think "man, I'm gonna connect with the community even more now!"
And then I don't. I've done this many times. Way more than I could think of. Don't get me wrong, I wish that I could see myself connect and grow on this website more, but I just can't.
More importantly, the people I've known on here have either left or become someone else entirely. Don't get me wrong, I love to see some growth, but I also can't shake the fact that I feel everything should be static and whatnot. It's just not right for me.
That's why I'm gonna be taking a break from the community. I don't know how long, but I'm not even sure if I'll even be the same person once I come back on here. I really don't wanna say it, but I think I'd define it as "indefinite."
(I don't want to point fingers at what caused this, but I feel that the closing of the General BBS may have played a role in lessening my presence on Newgrounds. That, plus everyone from that era reducing their presence too.)
I hate to say it, but I've been more active on Twitter and Instagram, as well as various other sites. Don't worry about missing any content though. I'll still post my art onto here, but I'll be less involved with the community. In the meantime, I'll still be working on honing my craft some more, like buying a microphone and practicing voice acting.
So, in short, I really wanna thank Tom Fulp for bringing us this website, and continuing to make it what it is today. Once I come back, I promise I'll participate in the next Pico Day.