"For every website on the internet, there must be a furry subcommunity on it."
Graywulf Dolfinson, May 7, 2021
Like I'm not kidding I literally thought it up just now and it's blowing my mind. Furry Twitter, Furry Tumblr, Furry NG, and Furry Facebook exists and that shit wild af. I'm pretty sure furry Geocities existed back in the day, and probably furry Myspace as well. In fact, there might be a furry subcommunity of FurAffinity. I wonder what it's like? Is it like, uber furries or something? Or would it just be the entire FA community? I don't know anymore. Is there a rule where if a character exists, an anthropomorphic animal version of them must exist too? Woah. That's blowing my mind even harder.